How to get a good night's sleep naturally

October 22, 2019

Sleep Hygiene Tips from Seed Face and Body Care

Have you heard of sleep hygiene?

Yes, it's a real thing! The National Sleep Foundation defines sleep hygiene as "a variety of different practices and habits that are necessary to have good nighttime sleep quality and full daytime alertness."


 Seed Dream Land Blend with Ginger, Lemon, and Lavender for Sleep and Calm

Seed Beneficial Blends offer natural skin care products using essential oil aromatherapy including Dream Land, which helps improve your overall quality of sleep. Dream Land's essential oils are believed to help soothe the senses and provide feelings of calm and relaxation.

So, just what are some of Sleep Hygiene's better practices and habits?

  • We all love to take a good nap -- or at least I know I do! Taking a nap during the day, though, can sabotage your attempts to get a quality sleep at bedtime. If you are going to nap during the day, limit it to a 30 minute nap. Set your alarm if needed. Many call this a "power nap." Even a quick power nap is said to increase productivity and improve your mood, so you don't have to nix the nap altogether.
  • Watch out for hidden caffeine. Most of us know that caffeine can keep you awake, as it is a stimulant. Avoiding coffee after dinner may not be enough. Many teas, especially black tea, have caffeine, as do many soft drinks. Choose your evening beverages wisely.
  • Do you have a sleep schedule? If not, you may want to try establishing one. Experts recommend going to bed and waking up at the same time every day of the week. I know I need to do this for myself. I am up at 6 on weekdays and, if not for my kids and dog (all creatures of habit), I really believe I could sleep until noon on weekends! While sleeping in seems like such a good idea, sticking to an actual sleep schedule is better for sleep hygiene.
  • Rituals are important. Think of how important it is for little ones to have a bedtime routine -- whether it is a bath, story, and listening to lullabies. That routine provides consistency and comfort. This also works for adults. Do you have a bedtime routine? Mine involves my skin care regimen, writing in my journal/idea book, and reading for about 30 minutes or so. When I keep my routine, I have a much more restful sleep than when I am playing on my phone or watching a crime drama on network television.
  • Try aromatherapy. Using essential oils can help with sleep. There has been a great deal of research on this subject, including a study in the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine. Researchers studied the effects of essential oils on those with minor sleep disturbances. Their findings: "Inhalation of essential oils may be considered for people with mild sleep disturbances." 

Seed Dream Land Essential Oil Aromatherapy Blend for Improved Sleep Hygiene

Let Seed help you to get a better night's sleep -- naturally. 

  • Ginger essential oil is often recommended by holistic practitioners as a natural sleep aid.
  • Lavender essential oil is every aromatherapist's go-to oil for promoting rest and relaxation
  • Lemon essential oil is believed to help those who find it hard to fall asleep and stay asleep.

Our popular Dream Land blend was crafted with a good night's sleep in mind. Not only does it have a beautifully soothing, mellow aroma, but it features the three essential oils above. 

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